10steps .. For a healthy and comfortable sleep
Because it protects against disease and stimulate the mental capacity
In the past we used to say that we need to sleep to rest from the fatigue of the day. Today, we repeat the results, as elaborated to reach dozens of medical studies, we need to sleep properly and adequately, in order to be healthy, In order to avoid the deadly disease era.
Riyadh: d. Hassan Mohamed Sndakja and because it is no exaggeration at all to convict in the modern medical scientific controls, the proper and adequate sleep become, in the dictionary of the doctors today, in the importance, within the lifestyle health behaviors, ie, a synonym for physical exercise and eating healthy foods. And eventually become the hours we spend at night, sleeping in Mstgrgin carefree and comfortable, a means of disease prevention, and a means of preserving the memory and thinking abilities of mind.
When facing difficulties in obtaining premium comfortable enough to sleep, there are reasons for that. Therefore, the knowledge of those causes, and understand how to dispose of their effects, will facilitate logged in will make him sleep and rest for your mind and your body and prevention of diseases of the times. And revision versions of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the There are ten steps to achieve a healthy and comfortable sleep.
Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine reduced. Keep in your mind very clearly that caffeine caused the President to deprive you of sleep. And caffeine stimulant found in tea, coffee, cola drinks and carbonated and energy drinks, chocolate, and some of the medications for headaches, and others. A substance that can remain in the body for longer than many people think, and specifically may not be able to dispose of the body for more than 8 hours. Thus, a cup of coffee in the afternoon or early evening, not to mention the late hours of it, it may be the cause of the difficulties faced if your attempts go to bed. And advice to those who are facing this difficulty is to abstain from taking any drinks containing caffeine, at least during the 4 or 6 hours before bedtime. Many people try this advice, and benefited significantly. But noting the need for gradual refrain completely addressed throughout the day, so as not to appear so-called "withdrawal symptoms", and most important of which headache.
Avoid alcohol. And an inhibitor of alcohol, so it may seem to some ostensibly, in the beginning, it is an easy access to sleep. However, in fact, says the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep disorders cause.
So says the Academy, the alcohol before going to sleep in the cause of waking up during the night, In the nightmares, and night sweats.
Stay away from nicotine. And which some people think that the mis-smoking before sleep is a matter of relaxing, but the truth is otherwise. And nicotine, the material that enters the body through the smoking of cigarettes, is working to raise the alert and different regions of the brain. In this, like caffeine. Therefore, a factor alert and vigilant throughout the night, it may be the presence of nicotine in human blood.
Therefore you should avoid smoking at all to maintain health and avoid disease, particularly before going to sleep and waking during the night of it. And even the impact of cigarette smoking to the impact of chewing gum containing nicotine, the gum that is used by some as a means to address the addiction to smoking.
«Food sleep» Dine for easy sleep. Try not to go to sleep and you are hungry, and also to avoid dealing with large amounts of food before bedtime. Here is a balanced relationship between each of satiety and hunger on the one hand and between sleep. That hunger and satiety lowers the likelihood of access to sleep comfortably. There are indications of scientific says that some foods may help many people to sleep, including milk, which contains a protein "tryptophan" L-tryptophan. Some scientific studies have pointed to the role of this amino acid, compounds of the components of proteins, in facilitating go to bed. And other foods as well as tuna, pumpkin, artichokes, almonds, eggs, apricots, plums, walnuts, oats, potatoes and bananas. And those who suffer from urinary problems, and cause disorder and cut their sleep, limit the consumption of water after 8 pm. It is also important not to eat a big meal at dinner, make a date before that meal at least two hours of bedtime. It is appropriate if feeling hungry during the night, according to tips of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a glass of milk or other things to light.
Sports Sports in March at the right time. Among the benefits of the obligation to exercise physical exercise on a daily basis, to facilitate access to sleep comfortably at night. It seems clear that the strength and intensity of exercise, sports, and the timing of the exercise, a role in achieving that end on the quality of nocturnal sleep. The types of people are affected in their practice of physical exercise. The overwhelming feeling energetic, energy, and increase awareness of the long finishing it, so it is better for them not to do exercise, jogging or walking in the evening. Therefore, some medical studies have confirmed that results in physical exercise in the morning hours have a positive impact in getting rid of insomnia. And others, pointed out that exercise, a positive role in facilitating deep sleep at night. In fact, moderate exercise exercises "aerobics" aerobics, fast walking or jogging or swimming or riding a bike, running on the body to reduce the secretion of stress hormone, cortisol hormone, during the following hours. It is therefore best not to practice exercises and very violent during the evening hours, especially in the three hours prior to sleep. The combined effect of the practice of bathing with a mild type of physical exercise, that justify a relaxation that is felt by some light at night after swimming, and especially before bedtime.
Set the nap of the day set for asylum for a nap during the day. Despite all the scientific references about the feasibility of health to take a nap of sleep during the day, but for less than half an hour, and take advantage of that body, but it is different among those suffering from disorders of the premium to get enough sleep at night. That the priority of health and mental and physical are enough hours of sleep at night. Anything that harms should be avoided for a comfortable night sleep. And that was the cause of insomnia for one to sleep during the day, it is necessary not to do so. Or at least work to reduce the duration of the snooze to a quarter of an hour, and avoid to be in the last hours of the day or early evening, to avoid that there will be no nap during the eight hours preceding the time to go to sleep.
Make health conditions of sleep bedroom reserved for sleeping. And this is something that he did not pay any attention to the many. The basic principle is that the bedroom reserved for sleeping, and emotional encounter with a life partner. This should work to create a bedroom. There is a very precise scientific term care must be taken with him in the bedroom to sleep facilitate the achievement of one of us, a "healthy sleep hygiene" Sleeping hygiene. Health requires sleep, work on cleaning up the bedroom of any reasons or factors that hinder us from eternity to sleep comfortable. Factors Kaldgej, or increase the glare of light, or heat, or drought the air, or lack of ventilation, or mattress unhealthy, or pillows uncomfortable, or the presence of stimuli for the sensitivity or insects, or the presence of food or drinks, or other factors, have all been turned without cleaning the room and not be suitable for sleeping only. Therefore, the presence of television, and watch it and raise his voice, and the presence of the radio or the Registrar, or the presence of magazines and books, or any other papers and work-related data, prevents us relax before going to sleep. It also makes entering the bedroom and lie down on the bed, is not intended to resort to sleep. To create a suitable environment for sleep, you must be at room temperature in proper cold. And that the air moist with a reasonable degree easier to breath comfortably. Sweatsuits and be curtains to block out external light if unpleasant. And that the mattresses, pillows and hoods, and other than bedspreads, comfortable and cool materials such as cotton. And to maintain the removal of any sources sending to raise the sensitivity to irritants, particularly in the furniture or carpets or air conditioners or other. And that the room is well ventilated during the day and night, through the open windows and use air conditioning equipped with air purifiers. Pre-sleep "relaxation before bedtime. Tension will not make us in the case of psychological and physical miserable, but will be long its destruction even sleep one of us. What is required, as proposed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, to develop one of us exercising a kind of" ritual before going to sleep ", to separate between the tensions of daily life and between the time the asylum and go to bed. It can be for these "rituals" short, within 10 minutes, or long, ie, for about an hour. It also suggests, as a means of making a period of "relaxation removal of tension," read something light, or the practice of meditation mental, or bathing with warm water, or other practice, de-stress and facilitating relaxation. are advised not to look at the clock in times of pre-sleep. and by more than an hour to go to bed, stop the work of any task that requires effort mentally. and tried to distance from your mind think of any things uncomfortable or afraid of them, or fear its effects on you, whether at work or public life, news or other. go to the bedroom for sleep only. basis that does not go one of us to the bedroom, and lay on the bed in which, only when wants to sleep already. and one of the causes of insomnia, going to bed without a desire to sleep. The reason, to stay on the bed, and try to bring sleep, for a long time without that happen. The medical sources to the need to get out of bed if there is no entry in the sleep about 15 minutes, because the length of stay after this period will increase the difficulty in falling asleep.
Beyond the noise and light problems. And so easy for you to sleep, try to reduce your exposure to noise, even if I had to put ear plugs. As well as reduce the level of light in the bedroom, by closing curtains, especially light layer of insulation, or wear a mask of the eye. If I woke up during the night, to go to the toilet or do anything else, do not ignite the bright lights, but the use of faint ones. And try to not sleep before, during and lie on the bed, to discuss any emotional problems or which relates to family or work, or with a partner over the phone with no one. The reason is that this talk and think and its accompanying mental preoccupation which, the cause of the alert brain and the demise of drowsiness.
Check with your doctor and do not succeed when you follow these ten steps to achieve your goal of healthy and comfortable sleep, and to get straight enough sleep, you should see a doctor. For asylum and is not at all to hypnotic drugs without medical advice, and most importantly a, do not try to circumvent the problem by resorting to temporary solutions is feasible in the long run. And medical instructions, intended for doctors and for the people, stresses the need to consider to sleeping pills as a temporary solution for those who have difficulty sleeping due to the causes are difficult to overcome only by taking these pills for a short period. To Your Health magazine "return to talk about sleeping pills <
We need to sleep .. A vital necessity for health, as addressed by doctors to address the difficulties faced by one of us in the commitment of exercise daily, or to follow healthy patterns of nutrition and daily components of the meals, become doctors, concerned with the attention the proper health of the people, trying to help them overcome the difficulties of taking premium night of sleep daily. Turning attention to the level and quality of insomnia, as a state of sleep disorders, a position close to the pathogen of interest in diabetes, such as the problem of obesity and lack of physical exercise. And elevated attention to cases of breathing difficulties during sleep to the level of interest in pathogen high blood pressure or heart rhythm disorders. The reason for this new type of medical attention that the results of medical studies say that a few hours of sleep nightly, than those who sleep enough hours at night, leads to higher body weight, and increase the reluctance of the body's response to insulin, diabetes and high blood pressure. Also lead to higher rates of stress hormone, cortisol hormone, and to the secretion of growth hormone disorders. And therefore no wonder that insomnia leads to increased injuries cardiovascular disease, and mortality rates because of it.
Hours of sleep the night medical advice refers to the difference in the number of hours that one must sleep during the night period in particular, without any daylight. This difference is based on the amount of age. Thus, the number of hours of sleep is the following:
> A newborn child, 18 hours a day.
> Children between one month to 3 months, 16 hours a day.
> Children between 3 to 6 months, 15 hours a day.
> Child 6 to 12 months, 14 hours a day.
> Children between one year to 2 years, 13 hours a day.
> Children between 3 to 5 years, 12 hours a day.
> Child between 6 to 8 years, 11 hours a day.
> Children between 9 to 10 years, 10 hours a day.
> Children and adolescents between 11 to 17 years, 9 hours a day.
> What's over the age of 18 years, from 7 to 8 hours a day.
4 stages of sleep .. Frequently we passed the> natural sleep of man consists of five phases, the first phase, and the second, third, fourth, and the phase of "rapid eye movement." This division is based scientific research, primarily on the quality of movement after a blind eye lid, and the quality of existing electrical waves in the brain during different stages of sleep. During the hours of sleep, just that all the successive stages, for varying periods. However, the full session does not exceed two hours. So take to reach the fifth stage, or phase of "rapid eye movement" about hour and a half. Under the rights of 50% of sleep time in stage II, and 20% in the phase of rapid eye movement, and 30% in the first, third and fourth. While the child spends 50% at the stage of rapid eye movement, and the rest in the other four stages. It is important to note that the longer the number of hours of sleep, the more absorbed in the phase of "rapid eye movement" and say traffic stages of deep sleep, ie stage III and IV.
> The first phase: a phase of light sleep, in which eye movements are slow, and the least activity of the muscles of the body. During this phase, you may enter and get out of bed easily. So easy to awaken the man, even then we dream we remember parts of that dream.
> Phase II: where eye movement stop, apply for the quality of the slow brain waves of electricity that may be interspersed with other electric waves of violence.
> Phase III: What distinguishes this stage is the emergence of the quality of "delta" of the brain waves of electricity. Also exist other types of slow waves with it.
> The fourth stage: in which there are only waves of "Delta" electrical. It is difficult to awaken you if it passes the third or fourth stage, because in them a deep sleep. If you woke up in those phases, it will take longer to complete consciousness, including around him. In these phases get bedwetting, nightmares and night walking.
> The phase of "rapid eye movement" and the vibrating movement of the eye quickly, and in different directions. It also increases breathing, and less depth of breathing, increased pulse, blood pressure rises. When a man wakes up at that point, it does not mention the only things are not clear about the dreams that you see
> The first phase: a phase of light sleep, in which eye movements are slow, and the least activity of the muscles of the body. During this phase, you may enter and get out of bed easily. So easy to awaken the man, even then we dream we remember parts of that dream.
> Phase II: where eye movement stop, apply for the quality of the slow brain waves of electricity that may be interspersed with other electric waves of violence.
> Phase III: What distinguishes this stage is the emergence of the quality of "delta" of the brain waves of electricity. Also exist other types of slow waves with it.
> The fourth stage: in which there are only waves of "Delta" electrical. It is difficult to awaken you if it passes the third or fourth stage, because in them a deep sleep. If you woke up in those phases, it will take longer to complete consciousness, including around him. In these phases get bedwetting, nightmares and night walking.
> The phase of "rapid eye movement" and the vibrating movement of the eye quickly, and in different directions. It also increases breathing, and less depth of breathing, increased pulse, blood pressure rises. When a man wakes up at that point, it does not mention the only things are not clear about the dreams that you see
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